Tuesday, July 19, 2011

lonely night making me feeling so hard...=(

more than 5months than she had left me behind she...
im still miss her so badly...

before i started with her...i used to be alone...
after that...she thought me about how great when somebody was there for u sometime...
maybe we know each other for a few years...making us just that closed in that relationship...

staring in my contacts...ton of number...but non of them i can talk to...
all my emotions... happiness...sadness...no one know...

sometime when meet up with friends, they ask "are u ok with that matter?"
all i can do is just cover up myself and reply "sure. i've let go d..." =)

but how easy to did "letting it go" instead of speak it out?

after these time, tonight...my tears drop once again for u...

孤單 是一個人的狂歡
狂歡 是一群人的孤單
愛情 原來的開始是陪伴
我一個人吃飯 旅行 到處走走停停
也一個人看書 寫信 自己對話談心