Monday, November 10, 2008


It’s the 4th weeks i started work d....
but today my office is scaring me...
too silent d....
cause our GM went out to meeting this morning and havent come back yet....
without her voice, the whole office like less something...
so far my current work is still good...
last week were helping the IT department to do some miss deduction....
damn a lot...==!!!
currently i have move to my new house in KL at sri petaling....
with my new housemates
George(Pg, but actual KL people), Andy(Dutch Malaysian,
Himat(my first Singh friend) and Ebin(Indian)...hehe=)
everyone is just so nice....
the funny thing is....the third day we move in....
next to our block got people suicide d....from 17th floor.....=(
we stay at 18th floor....hope that i wont break the record...hahaha....choi~~~
im coming back to PG this weekend...
miss all of my friendssss and also my u all...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

back to normal life...

just get free with helping on the nine emperor festival....
a lot of things happen before the festival....
but through the busying during this 10 days....
i totally like forgot every things d....
now if wanna write it down also like nothing to write it out...
im heading down to kl working d...
will start to work after i come back from my hometown d...
but i really miss pg....=(
will going back to my hometown at this coming tuesday....
hope to see all of my friends again...=(

Friday, September 26, 2008

better feel....

believe one thing....
once u have done a good thing,
u will get good in return...
feeling better d...that's why i always like to do good stuffs...
making thing wonderful....=)

back to pg....

just wake up....hahahhaha...
didnt u all know...making other people happy is the most happies thing....
RIP for my spoilt because of heavy rain last night... a phone fall in toilet bowl....hahhaha...
i really getting boring of my life lately...after wake up nothing to do...
really sad...must force myself to do something meaningful...
work more harder for my interview...because im going to sleep at the ATM d......
hahahhaha.....and keep saying...give me
and happy birthday to adrian and sotong....
may all of your wishes come true...all the best...
P/S: adrian let's go to the casino together....hahahhaha.....

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

tiring....back in KL...

just back to kl from kuching....damn sleepy now....
thinking of sleeping d....wanna sleep soon....
just now my dad, mom, grandmom, and brother also accompanying to the airport....
and my cousin jia ming too....and another i never expect that she will be appeare...
that is KARYN....thank you for u accompanying me at the airport....
see u all in another 3 weeks time....hehehhe....
penang im coming later in the afternoon....
hahhahaha....wait for me~~~

Sunday, September 21, 2008

wuu~~~the fifth days back in my hometown....

i almost sleep for about three days...hahhahaha....
went to the 2 new shopping mall in KUCHING....
The Spring...
for both of it...the one i prefer is the spring...
then last saturday night went to LAS VEGAS with my cousin....
it is nice to know some new friends...all of them are friendly and nice...
now hangging out at the spring starbuck...
going back to kl at wednesday...night...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

kuching im coming back....

just came back from Genting highland....
go out for a whole day d....tiring....
scare that can wake up in the morning....
so plan to stay the whole night d...
cause tomorrow need to reach LCCI at 10....
hahahahahha....a little bit of sleepy....hahhahaha....
and recently when i going out having supper with friends in kl....
keep frighten by those car driver....
come from right handside when i going straight with green light...
while i were talking with friends...suddenly a car speed up beside me....
feel that like no that brave d....hahahha....
but im still MACHO man....

Monday, September 15, 2008


i was like disappear for a quite long time d....
it is the time for me to show up d....
i miss all my lovely classmates...
the time we share...
the time we learn....
the time we enjoying...
i miss all the days...
during the exhibition time i become more not willing seperate....
wanna keep those moment....
because from now on....when i wait up that is already got nothing to do d...
before that at least i got a motive to wake meet my lovely classmates....
going back to my hometown soon d... coming...

Monday, August 11, 2008

The final sprint...

The final sprint for my our exhibition more day to go....
i hope that everything go well and myself...and all of my friends....
no matter from...
Graphic and Multimedia Design Department,
Interior Design Department,
Fashion Design Department,
and Architectural Technology Department....
good luck to do i....

Monday, August 4, 2008

nice day???special day???bad day???

today i been some place that i never been there before...

discover something i dont know before...

but it just feel like being cheated...hahaha....

but it is ok...just treat it like buying a lesson...

at lease i learn it d...hahaha....

just a normal matter only...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

bored daysss.....

this few days in kl, just going out everyday....eating....playing...really boring...
but better then stay in pg this few days...hahahha....
something nice happen and also something bad happen too...
but have to be happy all the time...let the world be colourful....=)
happy go lucky...heheheh....
going back to pg two more days....

Thursday, July 31, 2008

funny stuff....

u know why malaysia goverment using english to teach IT???because it's very dangerous that using malay translation....hahahha....
for example:

Hardware = barangkeras
Software = baranglembut
Joystick = batang gembira
Plug and Play = cucuk dan main
Port = lubang
Server = pelayan
Client = pelanggan
(try to translate it into malay...)
That server gives a plug and play service to the client using either hardware or software joystick. The joystick goes into the port of the client.

(in malay...)
Pelayan itu memberi pelanggannya layanan cucuk dan main dengan menggunakan batang gembira jenis keras atau lembut. Batang gembira itu akan dimasukkan ke dalam lubang pelanggan.

now u get it???

pissed off~~~

u buy me an airoplane ticket then show me the way of holand~~~
u better watch up....never try to screw up with me....u better know yourself...
i can be a nicer person but i may be a bad guy too...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Sometimes, dreams are just dreams. Don't get caught up in symbolism right now.

Monday, July 28, 2008

passport graduation showcase 08

poster for our graduation
front page for invitation card....
inner part of invitation card....

drop by when u free on 13-15 august....

what a relax days.....

after finish my final year project....interim assessment....and also our graduation booklet....sponsors stuff.....finally....few so free...hahahha....going to kl tomorrow to release tension....wahahhahahahaha.....must start to maintance my blog d...=)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

coke art...

i feel the impact on the top no enough loh....
but im lazy to do d....

Thursday, July 3, 2008


let's we proudly welcome
1 thing
join our brotherhood...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

lazy meh???

people think that im lazy...
people feel that im lazy...
people say that im lazy...
HEY!Mr. lazy go away from my life...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

feeling so bad....feel guilty conscience...
am i suppose to do that???
i did it right or wrong???
hope when the wind come over that time...
can blow away the guilty from me...
after that i hope i will be fine...
its ok to learn something from mistake...
as long do did it again purposely...
when rainbow show up, everything is gonna be fine....
=) (=

Monday, June 23, 2008

sweet little mouse...

after more than one year...finally i get my own mouse....
it name logitech....hahaha

Sunday, June 15, 2008

father's day

today is the most importance day to HIM, my father. Dad is also the one that seeing us grow up and taking care or us... i wish that my dad will be healthy and happy all the time. dad are always deserves for the best... "make HIM feel better than he did yesterday......"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

can u read it???

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

half an hour to the day that for our most important people in our life....that's our mother...since october 07....until now, i didnt get to meet my mother cause i were study at out station....some time when she was sick i also didnt get to take care of her.....i miss the day that i was around her....all i wanna tell my mom is MOM i love you....happy mothers day to all mothers around the world...i miss you mom...hope you are happy and healthy...

Thursday, January 3, 2008



1.隨手關燈、尽量少開冷氣、電燈改用省電燈炮、别让电器处于待机状态 荧光灯用普通白炽灯40%的能源就能达到相同的亮度。使用电器上的开关按钮,直接关闭电器,不要遥控器。購買省電標章產品。

2.多以走路或者多搭公共交通代替機車汽車 缩减开车次数,尽可能步行、骑车、与别人合用汽车以及乘坐交通工具。

3.省水,節約水資源 洗米洗菜的水可以用来浇花,抹地水可以用来洗厕所。淋浴代替泡澡,可 以安装低流量的淋浴喷头。

4.勿亂丟垃圾,可以減少垃圾,更可以資源再利用 如果你家的垃圾中有一半被有效的回收利用,一年就能避免2400磅二氧化碳被排 放到大气中。

5. 明智的购物,避免买一次性产品,重复使用购物袋 生产一瓶1.5L装的饮料所需的能源比生产3瓶0.5L装的饮料要少,建议购买大瓶装饮料,这样也能避免产生过多的垃圾。一次性购物袋产生的垃圾不仅向大气中排放二氧化碳和甲烷,对空气、地下水和土壤都会产生污染。




9.改用绿色能源 在很多领域,人们可以利用风能、太阳能这样洁净、可再生的能源。

10.把上文copy到friendster message, 电子信箱forward出去或 paste在任何部落格。 用网络力量来支持阻止全球暖化!!多了一个行动!!

support for Earth Hour 2008 and committing to turning off your lights for one hour at 8pm 29 March 2008.请大家在29/3/2008 那天晚上8点关电一小时,已经有很多大机构支持了,到时全球会有很多主要城市会乌漆嘛黑,一起为阻止全球暖化发出呼唤~